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The Casual Caregiver Pilot Program


The Casual Caregiver Pilot Program has been created by the Department of Education. Its purpose is to address concerns identified by child care service providers with obtaining qualified caregivers to work casually at their child care centre due to a lack of qualified caregivers residing in a region and due to unique geographical and market-related challenges such as the COVID-19 pandemic.


Who is a Casual Caregiver?

A Casual Caregiver is a temporary employee hired for a limited duration and reports to work at a child care centre to replace caregivers who are absent. Absences can include, but are not limited to, unexpected appointments, school closures, illness or emergencies and no other qualified caregiver is available. A Casual Caregiver is not a full-time or part-time employee who is considered to be part of the regular caregiver-to-child ratio and is not typically assigned to a consistent homeroom in a child care centre. An individual will need to complete the online Casual Caregiver Module through AECENL, which is free of charge.


Link to the Casual Caregiver Pilot Program Policies:

Casual Caregiver Pilot Program Policy 2023


How to become a Casual Caregiver:

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  • Print and complete the Casual Caregiver Module Application Form
  • Submit the application either via email to, mail it to or drop it off at the AECENL Office.
    • Upon receiving the completed Casual Caregiver Module Application form the AECENL office will e-mail the login information along with the information required to complete the online Casual Caregiver Module.
  • Complete Casual Caregiver Module
  • Print off the certificate of completion and
  • Submit the certificate of completion to the Child Care Centre’s Licensee/Administrator


The Casual Caregiver Module is to be completed and submitted annually.