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Renewal Requirements for Level One or Higher Without Trainee Level
Child Care Services Certification 


Renewal Requirements for those who hold:

Child Care Services Certification – Level One through Four (without Child Care Centre - Trainee Level)


 For required documentation please click here


Visit the ‘Professional Learning’ tab on our website for more information on ways to obtain required professional learning hours.


On the sidebar under Resources, you will find: 


Step-By Step Guide on How to Submit Your Renewal Application Package:

1.      DOWNLOAD and PRINT the Renewal Application Form that applies to you.

2.      READ the information on the Renewal Application Form and accompanied guide.

3.      COMPLETE ALL sections of the Renewal Application Form by printing all information clearly.

4.      LIST THE DOCUMENTATION in section D.
         Failure to do so will result in the application package being returned to you.

5.      DATE and SIGN application form. A typed electronic signature is not accepted.

6.      ATTACH originals or copies of required documentation to the Renewal Application form.
         If you send in copies, keep the original documentation until you get your physical Child Care Services               Certification renewal certificate. While we accept, you might need to provide the originals for verification.          If you cannot provide the originals, you might need to complete more PL hours.

7.      SUBMIT Renewal Application Package (Renewal Application Form with supporting documents):

Mailed to the AECENL office:
Association for Early Childhood Educators Newfoundland and Labrador
P.O. Box 8657
St. John’s, NL A1B 3T1

Dropped off at the AECENL office:
Association for Early Childhood Educators Newfoundland and Labrador
59 Pippy Place, Suite 2A
St. John’s, NL A1B 4N1

DO NOT SUBMIT renewal application packages by email or fax.


For any questions about how to renew certification please get in touch with the Registrar at  or 709-579-3004 (Toll-free for outside St. John’s: 1-866-579-3004).