Self-Paced Online Workshops
AECENL is offering self-paced workshops online!
Click here for the AECENL Online Workshop Form.
Once we receive your registration form you will be sent a username and password for your workshop by e-mail - if you have not received your username and password within 2 weeks of mailing your registration form and fee check to make sure it has not been sent to your junk mail folder - then, if still missing, please call (877) 579-3004 to make sure we received your registration! You can log-in using the link in the sidebar to the left or go to our Links section and use the "AECENL Online Workshops" link to take you to the log-in page.
You will have 2 weeks from the date you first log-in to a workshop to complete the workshop at your leisure ... you can do it all in one sitting or visit regularly over the 2 week period. When you successfully complete the workshop you will be able to print off a personalized PL certificate!
When registering for AECENL Online workshops, it should be noted that they can only be completed once as PL hours towards certification renewal.
Available Now:
- Creating a Greener Child Care Setting (3 hours PL)
- Stress Management (1.5 hours PL)
- Practitioners and Families Together: Self-Esteem (2.0 hours PL) - in partnership with the CCCF
- Workshop Facilitation Skills (2.0 hours PL)
- Children with Special Needs in Family Child Care (2 hours PL)
- Creativity in Family Child Care (2 hours PL)
- Guiding Children's Behavior in Family Child Care (2 hours PL)
- Working with Families in Family Child Care (2 hours PL)
- Infant Attachment and Relationships in Family Child Care (2 hours PL) *
- Caring for Infants in Family Child Care (2 hours PL) *
- Infant Growth & Development (2 hours PL)*
- Learning Through Play in Family Child Care (2 hours PL)
- Anxiety in Children (2 hours PL)
- Children and Literacy in Action (2 hours PL)
- Physical Activity and Children (2 hours PL)
- The Importance of Professional Development (2 hours PL)
- Positively You (2 hours PL)
- Transitions & Routines(2 hours PL)
- Diversity in Child Care(2 hours PL)
- Internet 101(2 hours PL)
- Fun with Science(2 hours PL)
- Mindfulness in Child Care(2 hours PL)
- Provocations and Documentations(2 hours PL)
- Social and Emotional Development: Fostering Resiliency and Self-Regulation (2 hours PL)
- Fun with Math (2 hours of PL)
- Fun with Music (2 hours of PL)
- Fun with Loose Parts (2 hours of PL)
- Puppetry in Child Care (2 hours of PL)
Now Available:
- Helping Children Grieve (2 hours of PL)
- Outdoor Play (2 hours of PL)
- Reflective Practice (2 hours of PL)
* Online Infant Family Child Care Workshops are free for Regulated Family Child Care providers. A photocopy of family child care license or short note from home visitor/child care consultant is required to do the workshop free of charge.