The Self-Study Series gives Early Childhood Educators a self-paced opportunity to complete professional learning hours that can be used towards Child Care Services Certification renewal. These free, fillable PDFs are available for download anytime from the AECENL website under the Professional Learning page.
Completed self-study PDFs can be submitted for review to the Registrar throughout the year. Each self-study unit can be downloaded as a fillable PDF, with links to learning material and a series of reflective questions to give learners the opportunity to demonstrate their comprehension of the material, and to connect learning back to their own experiences and practice.
Each PDF comes with instructions on how to complete and submit the self-study unit for verification, and learners can choose to submit completed PDFs via mail or email to the AECENL office.
Mailing Address:
C/O The Registrar
P.O. Box 8657
St. John’s, NL A1B 4N1
NOTE: If you need PL hours for an upcoming certification renewal, please submit self-study units in advance to give the Registrar time for verification. Any self-study units submitted WITH certification renewal applications will not be verified in time to count towards the current renewal. Self-study units will be assessed on a first come, first served basis. Handwritten submissions must be legible in order to avoid being returned.
The following Science of Early Child Development Self-Study PDFs are currently available for:
Active and Risky Play (2.5PL hours)
Planning Environments for Learning (2.5PL hours)
Nature Care and Brain Development (2.5PL hours)