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The Professional Learning Toolkit for Administrators


AECENL, in cooperation with The ECE Lab and the Department of Education, CNA, and child care centre administrators, has developed a PL Toolkit to support administrators in Newfoundland and Labrador with planning a professional learning close-out day.  

This toolkit aims to centralize support and funding opportunities for administrators in the hopes of reducing the workload related to planning a close-out day and maximize the use of provincial funding for in-house professional learning.  

The Toolkit is a PDF informational document, which includes several tools for planning in-house professional learning for centre-staff or for a group of neighbouring centres or family child care providers.  

Update from the Division of Early Learning and Child Development regarding Funding for PL through the Quality Enhancement Program: “To enhance service delivery the Child Care Quality Program is being revitalized.  Over the coming months further information will be shared regarding the Quality Program enhancements, which will include changes to the way services currently apply for the received quality Grants.  Our team of Quality Consultants will work with services to complete grants that are currently in progress.

 The Department looks forward to continuing to work with all services to provide quality, inclusive early learning and child care environments.”

Administrators can download the Toolkit here



Examples of tools included in the toolkit are:  

Tools from the PL Toolkit are available for download individually under the resources section of this page, or in the Appendix and Tools section of the Professional Learning Toolkit for Administrators.


AECENL would like to thank the following for contributing to the creation of this PL Toolkit: 

Pamela Pike, Administrator – Early Learning Centre Coralee Burton, Administrator – Early Learning Centre 

Delisa Farwell, Program and Policy Development Specialist – Department of Education; Newfoundland and Labrador Government 

Sandy Gow, PL Coordinator – Association of Early Childhood Educators Newfoundland and Labrador (AECENL) 

Skye Taylor, Executive Director – Association of Early Childhood Educators Newfoundland and Labrador (AECENL) 

Mary Linehan, Instructor – College of the North Atlantic  

Lori Caulk, Associate Dean – College of the North Atlantic  

Linn Vizard, Design Coach – Made Manifest 

Seden Lai, Graphic Designer – Made Manifest 

Amanda Hachey – All In - ECE Lab 

Dan Ritchie – NouLab ECE Lab 

NouLAB is a program of the Pond-Deshpande Centre at the University of New Brunswick. The ECE Lab was funded by Employment and Social Development Canada awarded funding to Ryerson and its consortium partners Conference Board of Canada and Blueprint ADE to establish and operate the Future Skills Centre.

The PL Toolkit was created from a prototype developed through the ECE Lab. To learn more about this development process, you can visit the ECE Lab here or go directly to Newfoundland and Labrador’s Prototype page here


Facilitators List 

AECENL has developed and is maintaining a list of in-house facilitators who can provide in-person professional learning, in addition to virtual training opportunities. 

To discuss potential facilitators for your close- out day, please reach out to Sandy Gow, AECENL’s Professional Learning Coordinator by phone at (709) 579-8993 or by email at

Download a copy of AECENL’s Facilitators List here